Here's How I Did It.
February 21, 1987 Afternoon - I'm watching videos on MTV with Mary, my best friend. "Hello Again" by the Cars comes on, and I'm pretty tired of this video. Lots of cleavage shots. Transvestites. Shock value. No imagination. I know Andy Warhol directed it, so I say "Andy Warhol should just go die!" We watch a bunch more videos that afternoon and I don't think anything about what I said. The next morning, Mary arrives to drive us to campus. I answer the door and she looks like she saw a ghost. "What?!" "Andy Warhol's dead." "Oh my god! I killed Andy Warhol!" I'm an art major, so the news is all over the art building, including my part in it. Mostly, people are kidding around - "hey Linda, anything I can do for you? Don't wanna piss you off!" No, I didn't want him to die. I love his art. I still hate that video, though. Have I wished other people dead since then? Yes. It doesn't work.
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